Bamboo Coconut Curry with Kabocha, Lotus Root, and Soy Beans

I’ve noticed a lot of people find my blog by searching for bamboo shoot recipes. This year, I wanted to develop a new recipe to add to the list and to make something other than bamboo-rice with the shoot I bought. My temporary roommate mentioned that she had seen a bamboo and kabocha curry at…

Korinky Squash Chijimi

When I mentioned eating all that squash, you didn’t think I’d leave you hanging, did you? Korinky (konrinkî, コリンキー) is a strange little squash. I bought it without recognizing the name, since many orange squashes are more or less interchangeable, and to my horror, I found no information on it in English other than this…

Spiced Persimmon Cake

桃栗三年柿八年 (momo kuri sannen kaki hachinen): it takes time to reap the fruit of one’s actions (lit. [It takes] three years for [planted] peach and chestnut trees, eight for persimmons [to bear fruit]) (ことわざ学習室) In late autumn and early winter (mid-Nov. to New Year), Omicho Market is awash in reds and oranges: strawberries, crabs, mikan,…

Mini Okara Gateaux Chocolat

デコレーションケーキ (dekorêshon kêki): a decorated cake; a fancy cake. Gateau is one of those non-Japanese foods that I never had till I came here, but defining what gateaux are is a bit hard. To me, a gateau is a dense flourless chocolate cake made with cream and almond flour. To other Americans, gateaux seem to…

The Quest for Kabocha Curry

Note, 2018: This recipe is one of the most interesting to me from an international standpoint in that I was trying to recreate a restaurant dish from Indian restaurants that specialized in curry in Japan. They had adjusted for the local palate but imported certain ingredients in bulk, and I had adjusted for my home…