Cherry-Blossom Spritz

I made these cookies to send in care packages to some of our friends, including my friend who always requests birthday cake challenges. (This year, it was meant to be this cheesecake adventure.)

Food Report: Sakura Season 2014

Part 2 First, I’m very jealous of you all in Japan enjoying or about to enjoy the sakura food! I like to follow food trends, so, for posterity, here are some foods from cherry-blossom season 2014. Most of these are from international brands and chains that localize their products for Japan. Just a heads up: I’m not…

Sakura Matcha Muffins

One hell of a storm blew through Saturday night and Sunday, ruining the weekend for hanami. Luckily, we’d had decent weather all week, including Friday night, when I went to Rojô Park in Komatsu for nighttime cherry-blossom viewing. Of course, hanami wouldn’t be hanami without food and drink, and what better to bring than two Japanese classics together…

Homemade Sakura “Latte” (Sakura Steamer)

    Nothing heralds spring like seasonal menu changes! Starbucks’ sakura latte (henceforth not italicized) is much like the pumpkin spice latte in the US: people line up for it and it sells out long before sakura season is over. Or, in Kanazawa and the rest of northern Japan, before it even starts. This year,…