Bamboo Coconut Curry with Kabocha, Lotus Root, and Soy Beans

I’ve noticed a lot of people find my blog by searching for bamboo shoot recipes. This year, I wanted to develop a new recipe to add to the list and to make something other than bamboo-rice with the shoot I bought. My temporary roommate mentioned that she had seen a bamboo and kabocha curry at…

Iwakuni Renkon Soba

3. Soba Noodles Made with Lotus-Root もちもちつるつる (mochi-mochi tsuru-tsuru): springy and smooth (texture) (usually used separately, but the ad for the noodles uses both in combination) Looking back on all the places I’ve lived, the two things that make me happiest about a residence are farmers’ markets and quaint historic districts with locally run businesses….