Baudrillard and the Food Truck: Dragon Fest 2013

One of the aspects I hadn’t anticipated as much regarding my culture shock expectations was adjusting to Americanized- and fusion Japanese food, especially for foods that I encountered for the first time in Japan. This isn’t to say that American-Japanese food isn’t delicious–quite the contrary–but it can be a bit alarming at times to see…

What I Ate in Nagano, Day 3: Matsumoto, Miasa (長野の名産を食べる旅の第三日:松本・美麻)

What I Ate in Nagano, Day 1: On the Road to Yudanaka Onsen (長野の名産を食べる旅:第一日) What I Ate in Nagano, Day 2: Yamanouchi (長野の名産を食べる旅の第二日:山の上) On our last day in Nagano, we went to see Matsumoto Castle and drove through Hakuba and Miasa on the way back to Kanazawa. 長野の旅の最後の日には、松本城に見に行くために松本市へ行って、白馬・美麻経由に金沢の方に戻りました。

Taiyaki Tour

ほかほか (hoka hoka): steaming hot food “So, taiyaki is shaped like the tai, which is considered to be—well, you know how this sentence is going to end. The way all my explanations end.” “’Good luck’?” my mother asks. “And also the other way all my explanations end: filled with bean paste.” There’s nothing like biting…