Peach-Strawberry Sorbet (Vegan)

This recipe is a gift from the two of us to you all for Valentine’s Day. Even though it’s a bullshit capitalist holiday that hinges on expressing love by either participating in socially sanctioned, exploitative expressions of heteronormativity or by equally problematic mocking thereof, I urge you to use this opportunity for the radical act of loving yourself.

Lavender-Vanilla Ice Cream

C is teaching me how to make ice cream, so we came up with this recipe together…. I feel like there should be a Fried Green Tomatoes joke here because queer romance is clearly making messy foods together in the kitchen, right?

Vegan “Unagi” with Shiitake

I love unagi, but with the endangerment of the glass eel population (as well as the rising cost), it might be best to cool it with the eel. Although I’ve been following the eel news for several months, I hadn’t considered alternatives, but I saw this recipe for “Mock Eel” in the latest issue of Saveur and…

Slow-Cooker Vegetable Stock (from Vegetable Scraps)

Save those vegetable scraps, readers! We’re making vegan stock, and it’s as easy as saving and freezing clean vegetable peels, food scraps, and herb stems. (How does one take appetizing photos of frozen vegetables and stock?) Why make stock from scratch?

Twin Peaks Log Lady Cake [Gluten Free]

My log saw something last night.  Since we’re rewatching Twin Peaks, I decided to combine coffee and pie into a cake shaped like Log Lady’s log.

The Rosette of Versailles: Apple Custard Tart with Walnut Crust

I offered to bring tarts to a dear friend’s family Thanksgiving and found this recipe as I was considering my repertoire. Also, geeky-dessert talk: I’m a huge fan of Ikeda Riyoko’s The Rose of Versailles (Beru Bara) fan*, so how could I pass up the tarte bouquet de roses? This tart looks and tastes elegant: the freshness…

Fresh Mango Salsa

A nice bright salsa to end the summer (never mind it’s been over for a month). This recipe is very simple, and I love the way the flavors and textures work together. I like to serve this with homemade tortillas (or rice or quinoa), avocados, and roasted kabocha tossed with cumin and cayenne.

Raspberry-Almond Mini Baked Oatmeals

One of my go-to breakfast recipes is Heidi Swanson’s baked oatmeal (via Lottie & Doof). Extremely versatile, you can swap in any seasonal local fruit you like–in Japan, I often used persimmons, apples, or figs instead of bananas on the bottom; diced apples, raisins, or mikan mixed in when blueberries were out of season; and, best…

Bamboo Coconut Curry with Kabocha, Lotus Root, and Soy Beans

I’ve noticed a lot of people find my blog by searching for bamboo shoot recipes. This year, I wanted to develop a new recipe to add to the list and to make something other than bamboo-rice with the shoot I bought. My temporary roommate mentioned that she had seen a bamboo and kabocha curry at…