Kitchen Library 2013.04.30 [Coffee Time]


In this Kitchen Library: Coffee! (Non-coffee articles and recommended recipes next time!)

Cafe Dumbo, Kanazawa
Cafe Dumbo, Kanazawa

Anna Brones. “Are You Drinking Sexy Coffee or Good Coffee?” Foodie Underground. 23 April 2013.

Just like mass food producers have embraced the word artisan in a sort of culinary green washing, coffee makers have done the same thing.

 Coffee Week. NPR. 22-29 April 2013.

NPR’s look at all things coffee, including the following:

Allison Aubrey. “Step Aside, Gents. Witness The Rise Of Women In Coffee.” Morning Edition. 25 April 2013.

This unfortunately titled article is actually about women’s coffee cooperatives as a new attempt at fair trade in areas where women do most of the harvesting. As for the title, the piece has little to do with male workers. Female empowerment empowers everyone. It does not detract from or come at the cost of male agency. (Also: gender is not a binary!) No one is stepping aside.

As for the content, I appreciated that Aubrey explained that the issue was complicated with no single simple solution. However, in the line about how women CEOs tend to give back to their communities, I wish the writers would consider that in many cultures, women are socialized to sacrifice for the good of others and to be compassionate/nurturing (read: qualities associated with parenting, specifically mothering), which might be a social factor in women’s relative willingness to give back and help others. Of course, many people also want to give back to communities that helped them. Complexity is the soul of social studies.

Maria Godoy. “Masterpiece In A Mug: Japanese Latte Art Will Perk You Up.” The Salt. 25 April 2013.

This piece is about two latte artists in Japan and their work. I was with them until they brought up Wabi-Sabi. I think the preponderance of latte art in Japan is that it’s visually pleasing and part of presentation at the cafe or restaurant. Yes, that is cultural, and I don’t exactly disagree with the comparison to cherry blossoms. Japan has a historically different aesthetic sense, but contemporary Japanese people also drink canned coffee from vending machines and really bad office coffee, too. It’s not like we’re all sitting around with design lattes all day contemplating the ephemeral nature of life.

Ken Yasumoto-Nicolson. “Majority of Japanese ignorant of Fairtrade.” What Japan Thinks. 18 April 2013.

A 2013 goo Research survey indicates a lack of knowledge about Fairtrade in Japan. To see how Japan generally compares to other countries, see this survey from Global Scan from 2011. (In the US, only 34% had seen Fairtrade products.) Living in Kanazawa, I see Fairtrade, especially coffee products, at places like Noppo-kun and Café Mojo.

Kristi. “Instagramming Tokyo’s Coffee Scene.” A Modern Girl. April 30, 2013.

Kristi takes us on a tour of her favorite cafes in Tokyo. Latte art photos included!


What are you drinking or reading? 

One Comment

  1. Thanks for mentioning my post! I love that latte art from Cafe Dumbo!

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