New Zine: Drag Suit: A Nonbinary Swim Zine

Drag Suit Cover

New zine alert: my first full-length solo zine is live on Etsy! And it’s not about food?!

Otters in goggles and a knock-down, drag-out list of major swimming organization’s policies about transgender athletes? Why not both? Written by a swimming enthusiast in their 30s, Drag Suit: A Nonbinary Swim Zine is a zine is about the intersection of swimming with gender diversity and bodies. Drag Suit focuses on the author’s personal experiences as a queer, nonbinary swimmer using swimming as part of their self care after an abusive relationship. The zine also links those experiences to systemic transphobia in sports and offers suggestions on how to make your pool and gym more equitable.

I also talk about swimming 100 miles in a calendar year for a swim challenge, my old nemesis front crawl, body image, gender bathing-suit hell, and more. Plus, if you liked my crappy Inktober doodles, you’re in for a treat. There are otter doodles in this zine!

Now available on Etsy at the Robin Elan shop.

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